Syro-Malankara Church : Upcoming Sundays

Seventh Sunday after Pentecost

07, July 2024

Reading 1 : Acts 04: 23-31

The believers pray for boldness.

Reading 2 : Ephesians  02: 11-22

One in Christ Jesus

Gospel : Mark 03: 20-30

“If a kingdom is divided against itself,
that kingdom cannot stand.”

The Reading

Eighth Sunday after Pentecost

14, July 2024

Reading 1 :  1 Peter 02: 04-10

“You are a chosen race,
a royal priesthood, a holy nation.”

Reading 2 :  Hebrews  04: 12-16

“The Word of God is living and active!”

Gospel:  Mark 04: 01-20

“A farmer went out to sow his seed.”

The Reading

Servant of God Archbishop Mar Ivanios (1953)

15, July 2024

Reading 1 :  Acts 20: 25-35

Paul’s farewell at Ephesus

Reading 2 :  Hebrews 13: 07-16

Guarding against strange teaching

Gospel :   Mathew 24: 45-51

The time of the Lord’s return

The Reading

Ninth Sunday after Pentecost

21, July 2024

Reading 1 :  Acts 28: 11-22

Paul comes to Rome.

Reading 2 :   1 Corinthians 06: 01-11

Lawsuits among believers

Gospel :  Luke 14: 07-11

Humility and hospitality

The Reading

Syro-Malankara Church : Previous Sundays

Dukrono, St. Thomas Day

03, July 2024

Reading 1: 1 Peter 02: 15-17

Live as servants of God.

Reading 2 : 1 Corinthians 04: 15-21

Be imitators of me.

Gospel :  John 20: 19-29

“Put your finger here; see my hands.”

The Reading

Sixth Sunday after Pentecost

30, June 2024

Reading 1:  Acts 17: 22-34

Discourse of Paul at Athens

Reading 2: 1 Corinthians 12: 12-26

One body with many members

Gospel: Luke 15: 01-07

“There will be rejoicing in heaven
over a sinner who repents.”

The Reading

Feat of Ss. Peter and Paul

13 Days’ Nombu (Apostles) ends
29, June 2024

Reading 1 :  Acts 12: 0619

“Quick, get up!” he said,
“Put on your clothes and sandals.”

Reading 2 :  2 Timothy 04: 06-10

“I have finished the race,
I have kept the faith.”

Gospel :  John 21: 1519

“Simon son of John,
do you truly love me more than these?”

The Reading

Fifth Sunday after Pentecost

23, June 2024

Reading 1: Acts 09: 10-19

“He is a chosen instrument of mine.”

Reading 2: 2 Corinthians  06: 14-18

The temple of the living God

Gospel : Luke 09: 10-17

Feeding the five thousand

The Reading

Fourth Sunday after Pentecost

16, June 2024

Reading 1 : Acts 06: 01-07

The seven chosen to serve

Reading 2: 1 Corinthians 10: 14-22

“Because there is one bread,
we who are many are one body.”

Gospel : Luke 10: 17-20

“Rejoice that your names
are written in heaven.”

The Reading

Third Sunday after Pentecost

09, June 2024

Reading 1 : Acts 13: 26-41

Paul at the synagogue of Antioch

Reading 2 : Galatians 06: 10-15

Final Admonitions and Benediction

Gospel : John 06: 35-46

“I am the Bread of Life.”

The Reading

Second Sunday after Pentecost

02, June 2024

Reading 1 : Acts 02: 14-21

The believers pray for boldness.

Reading 2 : Romans 08: 01-11

Life in the Spirit

Gospel : Mathew 10: 38-42

The cost of being the Lord’s disciple

The Reading

First Sunday after Pentecost

26, May 2024

Reading 1 : Acts 17: 10-15

Paul and Silas in Beroea

Reading 2 : Galatians 05: 16-26

The works of the flesh
and the fruits of the Spirit

Gospel : John 06: 22-36

“I am the Bread of Life.”

The Reading

The Great Sunday of Pentecost

19, May 2024

Reading 1: Acts 02: 01-13

The Coming of the Holy Spirit

Reading 2: 1 Corinthians 12: 01-11

“By one Spirit we were all baptized.”

Gospel : John 14: 15-24

The Holy Spirit: Who He Is

The Reading

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and serve you better.

Don Bosco Cultural Centre
Vennala, Kochi 682 028
Kerala, India.

(+91) 9495222615, (+91) 9645858999

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