Commentary of selected passages from the Old Testament

Genesis 01: 26-31

The Sixth Day (Part 2): Creation of Man, Male and Female

The Reading

Genesis 02: 01-03

The Seventh Day: Creation of a Day for Rest and Worship

The Reading

Genesis 02: 04-06

The First Picture of the Earth Before Man: Prehistoric Times

The Reading

Genesis 02: 07

The First Man: Adam

The Reading

Genesis 02: 08-14

The First Garden and Its Purpose: Eden, Man’s Ideal Place or Home

The Reading

Genesis 02: 15-17

The First Charge or Covenant: Man’s Purpose Upon the Earth

The Reading

Genesis 02: 18-25

The First Woman: Man’s Companion, Eve

The Reading

Genesis 03: 07-13

The First Consequences of Sin: Man’s Tragic Fall from Perfection

The Reading

Genesis 03: 14-15

The First Judgment upon Sin (Part 1):
Judgment upon the Tempter, That Old Serpent Called the Devil

The Reading

Genesis 03: 17-19

The First Judgment upon Sin (Part 3): Judgment upon Man

The Reading

Genesis 03: 20-21

The First Provision of God for Man: God Provides Life and Clothing (Righteousness) for Man

The Reading

Genesis 03: 22-24

The First Act of Deliverance or Salvation: Man Is Saved from Living Forever as a Sinner in a Fallen World

The Reading

Genesis 04: 01-07

The First Children, Cain and Abel: False Versus True Worship —
The Beginning of False Worship

The Reading

Genesis 04: 08-15

The First Murder, Cain Kills Abel: The Undeniable Truth of Judgment — Sin Cannot Be Hid

The Reading

Genesis 05: 01-32

The First Civilization and Society: The Line of the Godly Seed — Significant Events

The Reading

Genesis 06: 13-22

Noah and the Ark: God’s Great Demand for Faith —
What Noah Had to Believe

The Reading

Genesis 07: 10-24

Noah and the Flood: God’s Great Judgment of the Earth

The Reading

Genesis 08: 01-14

Noah and God: God’s Great Preservation (Salvation) of Life

The Reading

Genesis 09: 08-17

Noah and the New Beginning (Part 2):
God Established a New Covenant with Man — The Noahic Covenant

The Reading

Genesis 11: 01-9

The Scattering of the Human Race Over the Earth:
The People’s Tragic Mistake and Sin — the Secular City and False Worship (the Tower of Babel)

The Reading

Genesis 13: 01-04

Abram’s Repentance and Return to God and the Promised Land

The Reading

Genesis 14: 17-24

Abram Defeated Four Eastern Kings: The Temptation of Courageous Faith;
Accepting Worldly Honour or Godly Honour

The Reading

Genesis 15: 01-21

Abram Was Assured of God’s Covenant: Reassured Faith — How to Overcome Fear and Disappointment

The Reading

Genesis 19: 23-29

Abraham Had His Prayer Answered; Lot Was Saved and Sodom Destroyed

The Reading

Genesis 21: 01-07

Abraham Saw the Promised Son Isaac Born: Rewarded Faith —
How God Fulfils His Promises

The Reading

Genesis 21: 08-13

Conquering Faith — Confronting and Overcoming Conflict

The Reading

Genesis 22: 01-24

Abraham Sacrificed Isaac: Supreme, Sacrificial Faith —
the Steps to Absolute Surrender

The Reading

Genesis 24: 49-67

Abraham Sought a Bride for Isaac: Guiding Faith — Seeking the Right Person to Marry

The Reading

Genesis 28: 10-22

Jacob Received the Abrahamic Covenant from God: Jacob’s Bethel Experience

The Reading

Genesis 29: 01-14

Jacob’s Meeting with Rachel: The Beginning of a New Life

The Reading

Genesis 29: 15-30

Jacob Married Leah and Rachel: The Beginning of a New Life

The Reading

Genesis 35: 16-29

Jacob Returned to His Father, Isaac: Confronting and Overcoming Trial After Trial

The Reading

Genesis 41: 37-44

God’s Power to Use His Servant: Joseph was Exalted to be Governor

The Reading

Genesis 49: 08-12

Jacob’s Prophetic Blessing on Judah

The Reading

Genesis 49: 22-26

Jacob’s Prophetic Blessing on Joseph

The Reading

Exodus 02: 01-10

The Birth of Moses: The Picture of a Believing, Courageous Mother

The Reading

Exodus 03: 01-10

The Call of Moses: A Study of God’s Call To Service

The Reading

Exodus 03: 11-22

The Excuses of Moses: A Reluctant Prophet; Arguments Against Serving God

The Reading

Exodus 04: 18-31

The Surrender of Moses to God’s Call: The Fruit of Obedience

The Reading

Exodus 06: 01-09

The Great Encouragement and Message Given to Moses:
Deliverance and Freedom

The Reading

Exodus 12: 01-13

The Passover: The First Basic Essential for Redemption — An Unblemished Lamb

The Reading

Exodus 15: 01-21

Moses’ Great Song of Praise: Praising God
for His Great Deliverance

The Reading

Exodus 15: 22-27

The Second Crisis of Israel in the Wilderness, Bitter Water at Marah:
Bitter Experiences Made Sweet and Pure

The Reading

Exodus 16: 01-15

The Crisis of Hunger: The two Great Sins of Israel: that of Grumbling and Disobedience (Unbelief)

The Reading

Exodus 19: 01-25

The Law and the Promises of God (The Mosaic Covenant): God’s Call to Total Commitment

The Reading

Exodus 20: 18-26

The Purposes for the Law: the Ten Commandments and the Law

The Reading

Exodus 22: 16-31

Laws Governing Social and Moral Obligations

The Reading

Exodus 23: 20-33

The Conclusion of the Law, the Mosaic Covenant (Part 1): The Rewards of Obedience

The Reading

Exodus 24: 01-11

The Climactic Adoption of the Law, the Mosaic Covenant:
The Great Duty of Believers After Receiving the Law, the Word of God

The Reading

Exodus 24: 12-18

Receiving More and More of God’s Law and of God’s Word

The Reading

Exodus 34: 01-09

Responding to God’s Call and Experiencing His Presence

The Reading

Exodus 34: 27-35

The Renewal of the Covenant Between God and Man: The Steps to Renewal

The Reading

Exodus 40: 01-15

The Assembly and Dedication of the Tabernacle, the Centre of Worship:
Experiencing the Presence of the Lord

The Reading

Leviticus 12: 01-08

Laws That Protect Mother and Child Right After Childbirth:
Symbolizes the Need for Cleansing from the Sinful Nature

The Reading

Numbers 06: 21-27

The Great Priestly Benediction

The Reading

Numbers 10: 11-36

The Great March to the Promised Land

The Reading

Numbers 11: 01-35

The First Tragic Failure Seen in the People: Distrusting God;
Complaining and Grumbling, Craving and Lusting

The Reading

Numbers 21: 01-09

The First Military Victories and the Bronze Snake: A Picture of Unbelief
and of Christ the Saviour

The Reading

Numbers 22: 15-41

The Story of Balaam, His Donkey, His Two Encounters with God,
And Their Effect upon Him

The Reading

Numbers 24: 14-25

The Startling Oracles or Prophecies Pronounced by Him:
The Blessings of God and a Glimpse into the Future

The Reading

Deuteronomy 04: 01-08

Obey God’s Laws and Acknowledge That the Lord, He and He Alone Is God

The Reading

Deuteronomy 06: 01-09

The Greatest Commandment of All: Love the Lord

The Reading

Deuteronomy 11: 01-07

Remember the Love You have Experienced and Obey God

The Reading

Deuteronomy 14: 01-29

Laws That Mark the Believer as a Child of God;
as Holy, Different, Distinctive

The Reading

Deuteronomy 15: 01-06

The Believer Must Not Hoard, Be Hard-hearted or Tight-fisted

The Reading

Deuteronomy 18: 01-22

Laws That Govern the Administration of Religion:
Some Concerns of Believers

The Reading

Deuteronomy 24: 01-22

Laws That Protect Relationships within Society: How to Prevent Abuse

The Reading

Deuteronomy 26: 01-19

Laws That Require Special Confession and Obedience

The Reading

1 Samuel 01: 01-28

The Prayer of Hannah and the Birth of Samuel:
A Lesson on Total Dedication

The Reading

1 Samuel 26: 01-25

The Life of Saul Again Spared by David: Lessons on Reaping What One Sows

The Reading

2 Samuel 07: 01-17

The Great Promises of God to David: God’s Great Promise of Hope,
the Coming Son of David, Christ Jesus

The Reading

Isaiah 14: 01-23

God’s Judgment of Babylon: A Picture of God’s Judgment upon Evil Governments

The Reading

Isaiah 25: 01-12

God’s Plan for the Whole World and for His People:
God’s Seven-Step Plan for the World

The Reading

Isaiah 26:01 – 27:01

God’s Works on Behalf of His People:
To be Celebrated on that Day (Christ’s Kingdom)

The Reading

Isaiah 29: 17-24

God’s Promise of a Glorious Transformation in the Future: The Future Kingdom of Christ

The Reading

Isaiah 30: 18-33

God’s Wonderful Promise to the Rebellious: A Glimpse into Christ’s Kingdom

The Reading

Isaiah 31: 01-09

God’s Warning to Those who Trust in Men Instead of God

The Reading

Isaiah 33: 01-14

The Surety of God’s Judgment on the Violent Oppressors and Betrayers of this Earth

The Reading

Isaiah 33: 15-24

The Surety of God’s Deliverance of the Righteous: A Picture of the Messiah’s Kingdom

The Reading

Isaiah 35: 01-10

God’s Promise of a Glorious Future for This World: His Coming Kingdom of Perfection and Joy

The Reading

Isaiah 40: 01-11

Set Free Through God’s Salvation and Greatness

The Reading

Isaiah 40: 12-31

God’s People Set Free Through the Proclamation of His Greatness

The Reading

Isaiah 41: 01-07

God’s Power to Execute Judgment upon All Who Defy Him

The Reading

Isaiah 42: 01-09

Set Free Through God’s Perfect Servant, the Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ

The Reading

Isaiah 42: 10-17

The Response to the Messiah

The Reading

Isaiah 44: 21-28

God’s People are Set Free by Returning to the Lord with Trust and Hope

The Reading

Isaiah 45: 01-25

Set Free by God’s Power to Work Through People and Nations:
A Look at the Extent of God’s Extraordinary Power

The Reading

Isaiah 46: 01-13

Set Free by Turning Away from Idolatry: A Study of Idolatry

The Reading

Isaiah 48: 01-22

Set Free by God’s Plan of Redemption:
The Hope of Being Delivered from God’s Judgment and Wrath

The Reading

Isaiah 49: 01-13

The Saviour’s Mission to the World: Reaching everyone for God

The Reading

Isaiah 51:17 – 52:12

The Saviour’s Cry of Salvation: Listen! Wake Up! Depart!

The Reading

Isaiah 52:13 – 53:12

The Saviour’s Suffering, His Atoning Death

The Reading

Isaiah 53: 10-12

The Result of the Saviour’s Suffering, His Atoning Death

The Reading

Isaiah 54: 01-17

The Saviour’s Great Promise to Israel, Restoration:
Repentant Backsliders Would Return to Him

The Reading

Isaiah 58: 01-14

The Saviour’s Message to the Hypocrites:
Guilty of Deceptive, Phony Behaviour

The Reading

Isaiah 60: 01-10

The Future Glory of Jerusalem: A Picture of the Holy City
During the Messiah’s Kingdom on Earth; the Millennium

The Reading

Isaiah 61: 01-11

The Gift of Salvation Through the Coming Saviour

The Reading

Isaiah 62: 01-12

The Gift of Salvation Through the Coming Saviour

The Reading

Isaiah 63:01 – 64:12

The Great Day of God’s Vengeance and Mercy: A Picture of Armageddon

The Reading

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