Syro-Malabar Church : Upcoming Sundays

First Sunday of Kaitha

Feast of the Twelve Apostles
07, July 2024

Reading 1 :  Genesis 35: 23-29

The twelve sons of Jacob

Reading 2 :  Joshua 04: 01-09

Twelve stones set up at Gilgal

Reading 3 :  Revelation 21: 09-21

Vision of the New Jerusalem

Gospel : Mathew 10: 01-15

The Mission of the Twelve

The Reading

Second Sunday of Kaitha

14, July 2024

Reading 1 : Deuteronomy 28: 01-14

Blessing for Obedience

Reading 2 : Sirach 10: 19-25

Their glory is the fear of the Lord.

Reading 3 :  Romans 11: 17-24

Stand in awe before the Lord!

Gospel :  John 15: 01-08

“Abide in me, and I in you.”

The Reading

Third Sunday of Kaitha

21, July 20224

Reading 1 :  Ruth 01: 06-18

Naomi and her Moabite daughter-in-law

Reading 2 : Sirach 33: 07-13

As clay in the hand of the potter

Reading 3 : Romans 12: 03-08

The new life in Christ

Gospel :  Luke 10: 38-42

Jesus visits Martha and Mary.

The Reading

Syro-Malabar Church : Previous Sundays

Dukhrana of St. Thomas Apostle

03, July 2023

Reading 1 :  Genesis 02: 08-17

Man placed in the garden of Eden

Reading 2 :  Proverbs 04:10–18

“I have taught you the way of wisdom.”

Reading 3 :  Ephesians 02: 19-22

Christ Jesus is the cornerstone.

Gospel :  John 20: 24-29

“My Lord and my God!”

The Reading

Seventh Sunday of Apostles

30, June 2024

Reading 1 :  Numbers 11: 16-18; 24-30

The seventy elders received the Spirit.

Reading 2 :  1 Samuel 16: 14-23

The Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul.

Reading 3 :  Galatians 05: 16-26

“Walk by the Spirit.”

Gospel : John 14: 15-20; 25-26

The promise of the Holy Spirit

The Reading

Sts. Peter and Paul

29, June 2024

Reading 1:  2 Kings 04: 16-21

Elisha raises a Shunammite’s son to life.

Reading 2 :  Acts 09:36–42

Sign worked by Peter

Reading 3 :  2 Corinthians 11: 21-33

Paul acknowledges his own weakness.

Gospel :  John 21: 15-19

“Feed my lambs.”

The Reading

Sixth Sunday of Apostles

23, June 2024

Reading 1 :  Leviticus 08: 01-13

The consecration of Aron and his sons

Reading 2 : Isaiah 06: 01-08

A vision of the Lord in the temple

Reading 3 : 1 Corinthians 01: 26-31

Christ, the power and wisdom of God

Gospel : Mathew 09: 27-38

Jesus heals two blind men.

The Reading

Fifth Sunday of Apostles

16, June 2024

Reading 1: Exodus 07: 01-06

The mission of Moses and Aron

Reading 2 :  Jeremiah 11: 18-23

The plot against Jeremiah

Reading 3 :  2 Corinthians 04: 07-18

Treasure in earthen vessels

Gospel :  Mathew 10: 16-33

Warning about persecutions

The Reading

Fourth Sunday of Apostles

09, June 2024

Reading 1 : Exodus 20: 01-17

The Ten Commandments

Reading 2 : Ezekiel 03: 01-11

The Vision of the Scroll

Reading 3 : Romans 10: 05-15

Salvation Is for Believers in Christ.

Gospel : John 06: 60-69

The Words of Eternal Life

The Reading

Sacred Heart of Jesus

07, June 2024

Reading 1 :  Genesis 22: 09-14

God tests Abraham.

Reading 2 : Isaiah 52:13 – 53:09

He was wounded for our sake.

Reading 3 : Hebrews 10: 19-24

A call to persevere

Gospel :  John 19: 30-37

A soldier pierced Jesus’ side with a spear.

The Reading

Third Sunday of Apostles

02, June 2024

Reading 1 : Exodus 23: 20-26

The conquest of Canaan promised

Reading 2 : Jonah 04: 01-11

Jonah’s anger

Reading 3 : Romans 15: 14-21

Paul’s reason for writing so boldly

Gospel : Luke 09: 01-06

The mission of the twelve

The Reading

Second Sunday of Apostles

Feast of The Holy Trinity
26, May 2024

Reading 1 : Exodus 19: 01-08

“You shall be my own possession
among all peoples.”

Reading 2 : Ezekiel 02: 01-07

The Spirit entered into me
and set me upon my feet.

Reading 3 : Romans 05: 01-05

God’s love has been poured out
into our hearts through the Holy Spirit.

Gospel : John 16: 12-15

“The Spirit of truth will guide you
into all truth.”

The Reading

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Don Bosco Cultural Centre
Vennala, Kochi 682 028
Kerala, India.

(+91) 9495222615, (+91) 9645858999

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