The Gospel of St. Mathew

Commentary of selected passages from the Gospel of St. Mathew.

Mathew 01: 01-17

Jesus’ Genealogy: Interesting Roots

The Reading

Mathew 01: 18-24

Jesus’ Divine Birth: Unusual Events

The Reading

Mathew 02: 01-11

Jesus Acknowledged as King by Wise Men: An Unexpected Worship

The Reading

Mathew 02: 12–23

The Childhood of Jesus : Facing Danger after Danger

The Reading

Mathew 03: 01-12

Jesus’ Forerunner, John the Baptist: A Message for All

The Reading

Mathew 03: 13-17

Jesus’ Baptism: What Baptism Is All About

The Reading

Mathew 04: 01-11

Jesus’ Temptation : Overcoming All

The Reading

Mathew 04: 12-17

Jesus’ Ministry: Going Forth with Purpose

The Reading

Mathew 04: 18-22

Jesus’ Disciples: The Kind of Person Called

The Reading

Mathew 05: 01-12

The True Disciple: Who He is and His Reward (The Beatitudes)

The Reading

Mathew 05: 13

The True Disciple: The Salt of the Earth Serving God

The Reading

Mathew 05: 14-16

The True Disciple: The Light of the World – Shining for God

The Reading

Mathew 05: 17–20

The Law and Jesus: Breaking the Law of God

The Reading

Mathew 05: 21-26

The Real Meaning of Murder

The Reading

Mathew 05: 27-30

The Real Meaning of Adultery

The Reading

Mathew 05: 31–32

The Real Meaning of Divorce

The Reading

Mathew 05: 38-42

The Real Meaning of the Law Governing Injury

The Reading

Mathew 05: 43-48

The Real Meaning of Human Relationships

The Reading

Mathew 06: 01-04

The Right Motive for Giving

The Reading

Mathew 06: 05-06

The Right Motive for Prayer

The Reading

Mathew 06: 07-08

The Three Great Rules for Prayer

The Reading

Mathew 06: 16-18

The Right Motive for Fasting

The Reading

Mathew 06: 19-24

The Warning about Wealth and Materialism

The Reading

Mathew 07: 21-23

The Warning About False Pretences and Profession:
Who Will Enter the Kingdom of Heaven

The Reading

Mathew 07: 24-27

The Wise and Foolish Builder

The Reading

Mathew 08: 05-13

Jesus Heals a Centurion’s Servant: Receiving and Rejecting Men

The Reading

Mathew 08: 23-27

Jesus Calms a Storm: Conquering Fear and Nature

The Reading

Mathew 08: 28-34

Jesus Casts Out Demons: Saving Men

The Reading

Mathew 09: 18-34

Jesus Heals Several People

The Reading

Mathew 09: 35-38

The Mission of the Messiah

The Reading

Mathew 10: 01-04

The Messiah’s Call to His Disciples

The Reading

Mathew 10: 05-15

The Messiah’s Commission to His Disciples

The Reading

Mathew 10: 16-23

The Messiah’s Warning of Persecution

The Reading

Mathew 10: 24-33

The Messiah’s Encouragement Not to Fear Persecution

The Reading

Mathew 10: 34-42

The cost of being the Lord’s disciple

The Reading

Mathew 11: 01-06

John the Baptist’s Doubts: Assurance Given

The Reading

Mathew 11: 07-15

John the Baptist: Endorsed by Jesus

The Reading

Mathew 11: 16-27

The Message Given to a Childish Generation

The Reading

Mathew 11: 28-30

The Great Invitation Given to This Generation

The Reading

Mathew 12: 01-08

Defence 1: The Messiah is Greater than Religion

The Reading

Mathew 12: 09-13

Defence 2: Man is Greater than Religion

The Reading

Mathew 13: 01-09

The Parable of the Sower: How a Man Receives the Gospel

The Reading

Mathew 13: 10-17

The Messiah’s Reasons for Speaking in Parables: Who Receives and Who Loses

The Reading

Mathew 13: 24-30

Parable of Wheat and Weeds: The Question of Evil

The Reading

Mathew 13: 31-32

Parable of the Mustard Seed: The Growth and Greatness of Christianity

The Reading

Mathew 13: 33

Parable of the Leaven or Yeast: The Transforming Power of the Gospel

The Reading

Mathew 13: 44

Parable of the Hidden Treasure: Giving Up All for Christ

The Reading

Mathew 13: 45-46

Parable of the Merchant and Pearl of Great Value: Giving Up All for Christ

The Reading

Mathew 13: 47-50

Parable of the Dragnet: Separating the Bad form the Good

The Reading

Mathew 13: 51-52

Parable of the Householder: Devotion, Study and Sharing

The Reading

Mathew 13: 53-58

The Messiah Was Rejected in His Home Town: Why Jesus is Rejected

The Reading

Mathew 14: 22-33

The Messiah’s Power to Calm a Storm: The Power of His Presence

The Reading

Mathew 15: 21-28

The Messiah Teaches What It Takes to Receive Things of God

The Reading

Mathew 16: 01-12

The Messiah Warns Against the Yeast or Leaven of Religionists

The Reading

Mathew 16: 13-20

The Messiah’s Dramatic Revelation of Himself and His Church: Peter’s Great Confession

The Reading

Mathew 16: 21-28

The Messiah Foretells His Death and Future Glory, Total Commitment

The Reading

Mathew 17: 01-13

The Transfiguration: Strengthened to Bear the Cross

The Reading

Mathew 17: 14-20

The Powerless Disciples: A Great Lesson on Faith and Power

The Reading

Mathew 18: 01-04

The Conditions for Greatness

The Reading

Mathew 18: 05-10

Warning Against Offending, Mistreating a Child

The Reading

Mathew 18: 15-20

Steps to Correct Offending Brothers

The Reading

Mathew 18: 21-35

The Parable of the Unmerciful Servant: The Spirit of Forgiveness

The Reading

Mathew 19: 23-26

The Danger of Riches

The Reading

Mathew 20: 01-16

The Parable of Workers in the Vineyard: God’s Glorious Grace

The Reading

Mathew 20: 17-19

The Messiah Foretells His Death and Resurrection (Third Time)

The Reading

Mathew 20: 20-28

The Price and Meaning of Greatness

The Reading

Mathew 21:01-11

The Triumphal Entry: Jesus Deliberately Claimed to Be the Messiah

The Reading

Mathew 21:12-16

The Temple Cleansed: Authority over God’s House

The Reading

Mathew 21: 28-32

The Parable of Two Sons: What It Takes to Enter God’s Kingdom

The Reading

Mathew 21: 33-46

The Parable of the Wicked Tenants: Israel’s Rejection of Jesus’ Messiahship

The Reading

Mathew 22: 01-14

The Parable of the Marriage Feast: Israel’s Rejection of God’s Great Invitation

The Reading

Mathew 22: 15-22

The Two Citizenships: God’s and Caesar’s

The Reading

Mathew 22: 23-33

The Question About the Resurrection: The Resurrection Denied, yet Proven

The Reading

Mathew 22: 34-40

The Great Commandment, A Study of Love

The Reading

Mathew 22: 41-46

The Question Asked by Jesus: What Do You Think About the Messiah?

The Reading

Mathew 23: 01-12

The Warning Against False Religion

The Reading

Mathew 24: 29-31

The Coming of the Son of Man: Five Events

The Reading

Mathew 24: 32-41

The Time of the Lord’s Return

The Reading

Mathew 24: 42-51

Watch, Be Ready, Be Faithful and Wise

The Reading

Mathew 25: 01–13

The Parable of the Ten Virgins: The Warning to Watch

The Reading

Mathew 25: 14-30

The Parable of the Talents: The Believer’s Duty to Work

The Reading

Mathew 25: 31-46

The Parable of the Sheep and Goats: The Final Judgment of Nations

The Reading

Mathew 26:17-30

The Messiah’s Last Supper: The Lord’s Supper Instituted

The Reading

Mathew 26: 26-30

The Messiah’s Last Supper: The Lord’s Supper Instituted

The Reading

Mathew 28: 01-15

Events Surrounding The Messiah’s Resurrection

The Reading

Mathew 28: 16-20

The Messiah’s Final Commission to His Disciples

The Reading

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