The Gospel of St. Mark

Commentary of selected passages from the Gospel of St. Mark.

Mark 01: 01-08

Jesus Christ and John the Baptist:
The Good News and the Messenger of God

The Reading

Mark 01: 09-11

Jesus Christ and His Baptism:
A Decision for God

The Reading

Mark 01: 16–20

Jesus Christ and His Disciples: The Kind of Person Called

The Reading

Mark 01: 21-22

Jesus’ Teaching and Its Impact: Launching a New Ministry

The Reading

Mark 01: 23-28

Jesus’ Power Over Evil Spirits and Its Impact: Delivering the Most Enslaved

The Reading

Mark 01: 29-31

Jesus’ Power and Impact upon Each One:
Caring for the Home and the Individual

The Reading

Mark 01: 32-34

Jesus’ Power and Impact upon People in the Streets:
Caring for the Whole World

The Reading

Mark 01: 35-39

Jesus’ Source of Power and Its Impact: What Is the Source of Power?

The Reading

Mark 01: 40-45

Jesus’ Power Over Leprosy and Its Impact: Cleansing the Most Unclean

The Reading

Mark 02: 01-12

Jesus’ Power to Forgive Sin and Its Impact: Forgiveness of Sin

The Reading

Mark 03: 07-12

Jesus’ Impact Upon Crowds and Evil Spirits

The Reading

Mark 03: 13-19

Jesus’ Impact Upon the Twelve Disciples: Calling Choice Men

The Reading

Mark 03: 20-21

Jesus’ Impact Upon Friends: Calling Jesus Mad and Insane

The Reading

Mark 03: 22-30

Jesus’ Impact Upon Religionists: Calling Jesus Demon-Possessed

The Reading

Mark 03: 31-35

Jesus’ Impact Upon His Own Family: Feeling Jesus Is an Embarrassment

The Reading

Mark 04: 01-20

The Parable of the Sower: How Men Receive the Word of God

The Reading

Mark 04: 26-29

The Parable of the Growing Seed: The Growth of Believers

The Reading

Mark 04: 30-32

The Parable of the Mustard Seed: The Growth of God’s Kingdom

The Reading

Mark 04: 33-34

The Use of Parables by Jesus: Why Christ Used Illustrations

The Reading

Mark 04: 35-41

The Authority of Jesus Over Nature: Rest and Peace

The Reading

Mark 05: 21-43

The Approaches That Lay Hold of Jesus’ Authority: How to Approach Jesus

The Reading

Mark 06: 01-06

The Rejection of Jesus’ Authority: Why Jesus Is Rejected

The Reading

Mark 06: 07–13

Jesus Sends Out His Disciples

The Reading

Mark 06: 30-34

The Need for Rest and Its Dangers

The Reading

Mark 07: 01-13

The Emptiness of (Man-Made) Tradition, Ritual, Ceremony and Works

The Reading

Mark 07: 14-23

The Things That Defile, That Make a Person Unclean

The Reading

Mark 07: 31-37

The Verdict Sought for One’s Service: Doing Everything Well

The Reading

Mark 08: 01-09

The Need for Spiritual Food, Compassion and Evangelism

The Reading

Mark 08 27-30

The Great Confession of Peter: Who Jesus Is

The Reading

Mark 08: 31-33

The First Prediction of Death: God’s Messiah vs. Man’s Messiah

The Reading

Mark 08:34 – 09:01

The Issues of God and the Issues of Men

The Reading

Mark 09: 02–13

The Transfiguration: A Glimpse of Heaven’s Glory

The Reading

Mark 10: 01-12

The Problem of Divorce

The Reading

Mark 10: 17-22

The Rich Young Ruler: The Problem of Eternal Life

The Reading

Mark 10: 23-27

The Problem of Wealth and Its Dangers

The Reading

Mark 10: 35-45

The Problem of Ambition

The Reading

Mark 11: 01-11

The Triumphal Entry: A Dramatic Warning, Jesus is the Messiah

The Reading

Mark 12: 41-44

The Widow’s Offerings: Real Giving

The Reading

Mark 13: 28-37

The End Time and Its Warning to Believers

The Reading

Mark 14: 12-21

Jesus’ Last Chance to Judas: The Appeal to a Sinner

The Reading

Mark 14: 22-26

Jesus’ Institution of the Lord’s Supper

The Reading

Mark 16: 01-13

The Proofs of the Resurrection

The Reading

Mark 16: 14-20

The Lord’s Great Commission

The Reading

Mark 09: 30-32

The Second Prediction of Death: Intensive Training in the Death of Christ

The Reading

Mark 10: 28-31

The Problem of Rewards: What One Receives for Following Christ

The Reading

Mark 10: 46-52

The Steps in Getting Help: Blind Bartimaeus

The Reading

Mark 12: 38-40

Warning to the Crowds and Religionists: Some Things to Guard Against

The Reading

Mark 12: 28-34

The Question About the Greatest Commandment

The Reading

Mark 13: 24-27

The Coming of the Son of Man

The Reading

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