Voice of God aims at providing ministers of the Word an opportunity to deepen their knowledge of the Word of God, especially the Word used during Sunday Liturgy. This site provides material for their personal study and enrichment
as well as for their ministry of teaching and preaching.


Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

21, July 2024

Reading 1 :  Jeremiah 23: 0106

“I will gather the remnant of my flock.”

Reading 2 :  Ephesians 02: 1318

“Christ Jesus is the peace between us.”

Gospel :  Mark 06: 3034

“They were like sheep
without a shepherd.”

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"Come away by yourselves and rest a while."

The Gospal Reading

Third Sunday of Kaitha

21, July 20224

Reading 1 : Ruth 01: 06-18

Naomi and her Moabite daughter-in-law

Reading 2 : Sirach 33: 07-13

As clay in the hand of the potter

Reading 3 : Romans 12: 03-08

The new life in Christ

Gospel :  Luke 10: 38-42

Jesus visits Martha and Mary.

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"Mary has chosen the one thing needed."

The Gospal Reading

Ninth Sunday after Pentecost

21, July 2024

Reading 1 :  Acts 28: 11-22

Paul comes to Rome.

Reading 2 :  1 Corinthians  06: 01-11

Lawsuits among believers

Gospel :  Luke 14: 07-11

Humility and hospitality

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“He who humbles himself will be exalted.”

The Gospal Reading


This website Voice of God is a humble endeavour to share with fellow priests, the richness and depth of the Word of God, which I am fortunate to discover as the treasure hidden in the field. The Voice of God aims to facilitate an in-depth study of the Scripture passages that form part of the Sunday liturgy. The explanation of the Word is always supported by the Word itself.

This site is not meant for providing ready-made homilies for the Sunday liturgy. There are many sites doing that already. Its sole aim instead is to impart a deeper understanding of the Sunday Scripture readings, which enables believers, both ministers and laypersons to grasp, preach and teach God’s Holy Word.

The primary source of the commentary that appears on this website is The Preacher’s Outline and Sermon Bible, which is a copyright property of Leadership Ministries Worldwide, Chattanooga, TN 37424-0310. The scripture passages used here are from the Holy Bible, New International Version. All rights are reserved. I gratefully acknowledge the permission granted me to use material – commentary and the scripture – on this website.

There are several people, who did not know each other before, involved in this ministry. Many men and women, priests, religious and laypersons of goodwill have joined hands to get this work done. No names are mentioned here for the reason that the original authors of POSB follow the ‘no name’ policy and they want that policy to be respected here as well. My sincere thanks to everyone. The good Lord who sees the labour put in silently and joyfully for the spread of his kingdom reward everyone in abundance (Mathew 06:04).

The website www.voiceofgod.online is setup for the purpose of helping God’s people in their preparation for preaching and teaching. May the good Lord bless us all as we preach, teach and write for Him, fulfilling His great commission to make disciples of all nations.

Let us all join hands to lead men and women, young and old, to give their hearts and lives to Jesus Christ and to secure the eternal life that He offers. May the Word of God lead us from darkness to light.

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